here are some recent pics of the baby....
the last one makes me think "what you lookin at Willis"... why, i don't know. but it's the cutest look... i think. i tried my best to get him to smile for the camera, but the more i tried, the more he refused. one day..... :)
oh yeah, the one w/ him on the sofa is daddy babysitting... thought he start him early on the oud! :)
Ohhhh how CUTE!!! cute, cute, cute. Mashallah!!!
And McDonalds bag on the first pic, hope its not his food :))))))))))
Mashallah, he is very cute. I see you enjoy your time being at home with him.
all the best
Now I'm not one to gush over babies but mashallah he's ADORABLE! You have a gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous baby. Mashallah. May God protect him.
He sure has a lot of personality, doesn't he? Cute little thing...
So beautiful! He has such deep, thoughtful eyes. I bet he is an old soul. Sniff that sweet baby head smell for me.
I must say he is one CUTE bugger!!!
Congrats again!
My beautiful nephew! Boy, we make pretty children!
Can't wait to meet him!
Thanks for posting the pics. We really do want to see this lovely little fellow. He sure looks contented.
Adorable. Especially the one with the oud. Kiss him for me.:)
thanks you guys... i think he's adorable and so so cute too, but i'm partial! :)
and moody, he does have a lot of personality. i can't imagine how he'll be when he starts to walk and talk... i will definitely have my hands full.
Tooners, I've been reading your blog for a while now and have been absolutely fascinated with the whole baby process. I have never commented though but just letting you know that I'm a regular ;)
Aw the sweeet boy! What character and determination he has in his face. He looks like he has started making interesting noises, has he?
Gosh darn, Jane beat me to the soft baby head smell...sorry I will miss it on my goddaughter...she's nearly a month old now.
God bless you and Hashim and your son.
Tooners, your baby is absolutely beautiful. All the very best to you and your little family :-)
As he is a good looking young lad,remember to to take as many photos of your next born,see them soon.........?
Hi! Its been forever since I've visited your blog, and I am so glad I did today because you have those beautiful pics up! Your little boy is so cute!
awwwwwwwwwwwww, cute kid!!!
Good God ! :) He is very cute ! Liked the last one, he had the "oooohhhhh mmmmyyyy gooooooood ! what's going on?" look on his face !
So who does he take after the most ? you or hashim ?
hey everyone... sorry for not responding sooner but the internet connection's been messed up at the house.. and i don't have a lot of time.
munther, i'd say he probably takes after hashim the most. i got out photos of me at 3 mths and he has a very similar face, but when i see him up against hashim, i can tell he'll look a lot like him when he gets older. :) and... his eyes are turning brown! :) i thought they would... only a matter of time.
june, i love your blog. haven't had a lot of time to go there as of late, but i really enjoy how you write and the way you tell stories. thanks for coming by and i hope you continue to be intrigued. :)
olivia, the noises he makes are the sweetest and most enjoyable. they fill my day. :) i love to watch him as he goes to make sounds and little baby sentences.. or what i call sentences. he gets so excited and you can tell he really is thinking about whatever he's about to say... or at least i think so.
again, all of you... thank you for your wonderful and loving comments.
He's ADORABLE... ahhhh...so cute.
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